I have some simple questions I think our governor should answer:
Why try, yet again, to balance the state budget on the backs of its dedicated and already overburdened employees? Gov. Paul LePage’s plan is defined perfectly, in my opinion, by the quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.”
This hasn’t worked for four administrations, what makes him think that it will somehow, magically turn out differently this time?
LePage is forever preaching transparency of his administration and how we must control state spending. Exactly how does his sneaky, underhanded removal of the contentious Department of Labor murals on a Saturday fit with transparency, and exactly how much of our taxpayers’ money did it cost to have state employees work on a weekend, most probably on overtime, to do so? There appears to be only malice and no forethought in most of what LePage says and does.
Jeffrey W. Cotnoir
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