Rotary founder Paul Harris realized the importance of a prosperous business community. Over the course of a lifetime, he invited community business leaders to join in fellowship and service to their communities believing that “he profits most who serves best.”

One of the hallmarks of Rotary is the Four Way Test. The Test consists of four questions, all of which are to be applied to every decision Rotarians make. The questions (with capital letters used as they are in the Test) are:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


I belonged to the Waterville Rotary Club for 21 years. During that time, members held a range of political beliefs, from the most conservative to the most liberal. Differing political beliefs did not stop us from undertaking countless projects in our local community and around the world to improve the quality of life for others.

A number of Rotarians serve in the Legislature, including my own representative and senator, who were in my club, as was Gov. Paul LePage. A number of Waterville Rotarians also advise the governor.

My request to all of them is to remember that at one time they were members of an international organization based on the idea of promoting peace and goodwill.

Maine will be a much stronger state if they remember to apply the Four Way Test to what they propose, discuss and vote on in the coming months.

Karen Heck
