WATERVILLE — At tonight’s public hearing, the council will discuss borrowing for projects including the Waterville Opera House renovation and expansion project; Waterville Public Library renovations; improvements to Campus Drive through Colby College and other items, according to Council Chairman Dana Sennett, D-Ward 4.

Sennett is fulfilling many mayoral duties while the city is without a mayor and plans to run for the position in the June election.

Councilors will consider allowing Delta Ambulance to install underground utilities on Chase Avenue to connect to the existing sewer system. Sennett said Delta plans to build a building west of Mount Merici School and needs to connect to the sewer system.

Councilors also will consider a request by You Know Whose Pub owner Kevin Joseph to have outdoor dining in The Concourse. The pub has outdoor dining on the sidewalk, but this would allow for dining in a circular park area inside The Concourse itself, according to Sennett.

“This gives him permission to actually be across the public way in the little isolated Concourse rest area,” he said. “That’s where a fountain used to be, but they got rid of it because kids put soap powder in it when it was first built, 14 years ago.”

He said liquor would not be served on the site.

Councilors also will consider approving food, liquor and special amusement permits for Joseph’s Fireside Steakhouse at 99 West River Road. The restaurant, slated to open this spring, is owned by Kevin P. Joseph and Edward J. Fabian. Joseph, who owns Joseph’s Market on Front Street, is not the same Kevin Joseph who owns You Know Whose Pub.

Amy Calder — 861-9247
