HALLOWELL — Spectrum Generations, the William S. Cohen Community Center, has announced its recent bridge and cribbage winners.

Aug. 4 bridge winners were Vinal Look, who placed first; Jerry Sandidge, second; Red Nichols, third; Ken Morrison, fourth; and Fran Wadleigh, fifth.

Game day bridge winners on Aug. 3 were Dorothy Murray, who placed first; Connie Ochmanski, second; and Lou Ashland, third.

Cribbage winners on Aug. 1 were Tony Willman and Cliff Brawn, who placed first; Renette Leibowitz and Ray Beaudoin, second; Lou Turmelle and Joel Marsh, third; and Tuckie Marvin and Sonny Chavarie, fourth. High hand went to Renette Leibowitz and Lloyd Mudie.

Bridge winners on July 28 were Ken Morrison, who placed first; Bruce Relyea, second; Margaret Palmer, third; and Gene Murray, fourth.

AUGUSTA — The Augusta Duplicate Bridge Club has announced its recent winners.

Winners on July 28 were Les Buzzell and Anil Goswami, Fred Lavallee and Ben Lund, and Jan and Vern Arey.

Winners on July 27 were: north/south — Paul Mitnik and Paul Sherman, William Crowder and Liz Cross, and Vinal Look and Jeanette Wiggin; east/west — Jan Arey and Dianne Morton, John Bridge and Nina Mendall, and a tie between Frank Shorey and Shirley West and Nancy Lindgren and Nancy Lenfest.