WATERVILLE — Nineteen Colby College students were summonsed early Saturday on alcohol-related charges at an off-campus party on Collette Street, according to police.

None of the students involved was cited two weeks ago when more than 50 Colby students were charged with alcohol-related offenses in connection with an off-campus party on Winter Street.

Deputy police Chief Charles Rumsey said that at 11:30 p.m. Friday, a Collette Street resident told Officer Andrew McMullen about a loud party at 31 Collette St. The resident reported that speeding vehicles as well as taxis were going to and from the home, Rumsey said.

McMullen and Officer Adam Sirois went to the house where the party was and spoke with Patrick Bursee, one of the renters, who was standing in the driveway, Rumsey said.

Bursee said he and five others were renting the house and one was away, according to Rumsey. Bursee agreed to go into the house and have the other renters come outside.

“Officer McMullen observed, through the windows of the house, individuals of youthful appearance moving around the house, going up and down the stairs and repeating, ‘The cops are here,'” Rumsey said.


Bursee and the other renters, Cory McGrath, Thomas McGinn, Jesse Lehman and Matthew Rappaport, came out of the house and agreed to close the party down and tell everyone to come out of the house, Rumsey said. About 20 people came out and were identified as being 21 or older, and the renters said everyone was out of the house, he said.

“Renters consented to a search of the house, where numerous underage individuals, who had been consuming alcohol, were located,” Rumsey said. “A group of underage individuals climbed out a window and fled toward West River Road.”

He said Sgt. William Bonney and Officer Joshua Woods found four underage students near Messalonskee Stream, trying to flee the area.

The students, Ilanna Fricks, 18, and Michaela Swiatek, Samantha Silvay and Samuel Parker, all 19, were summonsed around 12:15 a.m. Saturday and charged with illegal possession of liquor by a minor, Rumsey said.

“One of them actually did go into the water — Fricks,” Rumsey said.

With all the recent rain, he said, the water in the stream is moving quickly, and entering it is dangerous.


At the house, the renters, Bursee, McGinn and Rappaport, all 22; McGrath, 21; and Lehman, 23, were summonsed and charged with furnishing a place for minors to consume, Rumsey said.

Those summonsed at the house and charged with illegal possession of liquor by a minor were Charlotte Peck, Raymond Zeek and Olivia Crowley-Gottlieb, all 20; Benjamin Chwick, Jordan Nathan, Nils Martin, Joseph Saporta and Lauren Gaurente, all 19; and Robert McCormick and Carolyn Fuwa, 18.

In an unrelated incident, Alyssa Ward, 18, was summonsed around 11:20 p.m. Saturday on the Colby campus after police were called there for a report of an intoxicated student, according to Rumsey. Officer Robert Bouley summoned Ward and charged her with illegal possession of liquor by a minor. She was taken to MaineGeneral Medical Center, he said.

All 20 students are scheduled to appear in Waterville District Court at 1 p.m. Dec. 20, he said.

Illegal possession of liquor by a minor is a civil offense; furnishing a place is a Class D misdemeanor, according to Rumsey.

He said the students were cooperative, including the renters of the house.


He said the renters understood the importance of working with police on the matter, and for that reason, they were summonsed and not arrested.

He said police have been working with the Colby administration on underage and binge drinking. Whether that has resulted in parties moving off-campus, he said, he does not know; but the number of on-campus parties appears to have decreased a little, he said.

“We continue to work with the college,” he said, adding that Colby students are not being targeted.

“We treat these parties just like we treat any other parties,” he said.

Amy Calder — 861-9247
