WATERVILLE — State legislators say they do at least two things better than many of their counterparts in other states and in Washington, D.C.: they get along and keep debate civil.

That was a message Maine’s top legislators touted Wednesday at a Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce breakfast at Thomas College.

House Speaker Robert Nutting, R-Oakland, House Minority Leader Emily Cain, D-Orono, Sen. Barry Hobbins, D-Saco, and Senate President Kevin Raye, R-Perry, talked about what they accomplished in the first legislative session, including reaching consensus on 2/3 of the budget, and what they hope to get done in the second session — create jobs.

But much of Tuesday’s talk focused on the positive relationship among legislators, both Republican and Democrat, and how that allows them to work well together and get things done.

“One of our hallmarks has been constructive bipartisanship,” Raye said.

He and Nutting, Hobbins and Cain have dinner together every Thursday night — they wouldn’t reveal where — and discuss everything from their families to political history to sports.


What’s fun about those dinners is that the four have reached a point where they not only know each other’s jokes, but like them well enough so they can laugh — and can order dinner for each other if someone is going to be late, according to Cain.

The time spent together building friendships and trust helped to create civil debate in the first legislative session, even though issues were contentious, according to Nutting.

He said one of the easiest ways to get in trouble is to keep people out of the loop, and the communication between the four was vital to legislators’ work.

“In the beginning of the day, we knew what the day was going to be like,” Nutting said.

Hobbins said something Republicans and Democrats have in common is that they want Maine to thrive.

“What I’d hope will happen is we keep bipartisan efforts — make sure we keep Maine moving in the right direction,” he said. “Hopefully, the Republicans and Democrats continue to work together.”


The two parties disagreed on everything from health insurance reforms to re-districting and same-day voter registration, but that did not mean they could not sit in a room to discuss the issues, according to Nutting. Most of the time, they came to consensus, and they did not fight all the time, he said.

“It sure sounds like it, if your only source of information is the newspaper, or particularly, the TV,” he said.

Cain said legislators work as hard as they can to get along and when they do not, it is because of strong philosophical differences.

“We’re still friends at the end of the day,” she said. “I love this work and I think we all do. It’s not very sexy or glamorous, but it’s certainly worthwhile.”

About 50 business people, legislators, educators and others turned out for Wednesday’s session.

During a question-and-answer session, Susan Giguere, founder and chief executive officer of Care & Comfort, a home health business, asked where people should go to get news about what their legislators are doing if they cannot rely on newspapers.


Raye said he agreed with Nutting that television and newspapers tend to focus on the conflict in state government.

“I’m not sure how one could keep totally abreast of the good things happening,” Raye said.

He suggested people call their legislators to discuss issues of concern.

“If a legislator gets three phone calls on an issue, that issue is highlighted in his or her mind,” he said.

Cain said she thinks the media is still a great place to get a general sense of what is going on. If people have a particular concern, they can visit the State House.

“I think the best way to get a sense of it is to come spend a day there,” she said.


Hobbins said he takes the position that the more information the better, and legislators can provide a lot of information to constituents.

“I’m less pessimistic about the Fourth Estate,” he said.

Raye said jobs were a priority in the last legislative session and he introduced a bill to address Maine’s regulatory burden, which was an obstacle to job creation and retention.

Hearings were held from Presque Isle to Sanford and the press predicted failure and gridlock, he said.

“None of that happened. It was a thoughtful process and it was an inclusive process.”

The bill passed unanimously in the senate and overwhelmingly in the house.


“I think that one bill was indicative of the way in which this Legislature conducted ourselves,” he said.

Amy Calder — 861-9247
