WATERVILLE — The city will provide $100,000 up front for construction of a cross-country ski trail at Quarry Road Recreation Area and Colby College will repay that money to the city over three years.

The City Council voted 7-0 Tuesday night to front the money for the Colby gift.

It also voted 6-1 to accept $385,000 from the Harold Alfond Foundation to buy snowmaking equipment for the recreation area.

Councilor John O’Donnell, D-Ward 5, who voted against accepting the Alfond gift, is concerned about whether the city can meet the conditions of the gift.

A letter from the foundation to the city points out the estimated cost for phase three of the recreation area project is $1.5 million, but funding is $515,000 short. The phase includes building the trail, as well as community and maintenance buildings and installation of lights and electricity.

O’Donnell said he understands the letter to mean the items need to be completed in order for the foundation to give the $385,000.


But City Manager Michael Roy said the foundation stipulates that the city make a good faith effort to complete the project.

He said he spoke with someone from the foundation and was told there is no problem if the city makes that good faith effort. He said the official told him the foundation is not in the habit of coming back and asking for money to be returned in a case such as this.

O’Donnell, however, asked if a good faith effort possibly includes bridging the $515,000 by raising taxes.

“No, I don’t believe it does,” Roy replied.

He said no commitments were made in writing that require using taxpayer money to complete the project.

“I feel pretty confident that this is not something that they (Alfond officials) would expect,” he said.


The trail to be built would be a competition level 5 km (3.1 mile) cross-country ski trail. It would be in addition to an existing 5 km trail.

In other matters Tuesday:

• Councilors voted to renew dispatch service contracts with the towns of Albion, China, Rome, Belgrade, Clinton and Sidney.

O’Donnell asked if an analysis has been done to se if the city is getting enough money in contracts to cover the cost of a dispatcher hired to help with the extra load.

“It turned out to be very, very close to a wash,” Roy said.

“So, we’re reasonably confident we’re not losing money by having these extra towns?” O’Donnell asked.


“Yes, I am,” Roy said.

Roy pointed out that the calls taken are not 911 calls — that 911 calls are taken by dispatchers in Augusta and Skowhegan and then transferred to Waterville.

• The council voted to contract with Proseal LLC to fix runway cracks at Robert LaFleur Municipal Airport for a price not to exceed $30,745.

• Councilors also voted to authorize spending Opera House renovation project money.

Amy Calder — 861-9247
