AUGUSTA — Rep. Linda Valentino’s new office can stay right where it is, even though it’s not in her own legislative district, the ethics commission ruled Wednesday.

Valentino, a Saco Democrat, was brought before the commission by fellow Democratic Rep. Don Pilon, also of Saco. Pilon wasn’t happy that Valentino opened an office in his district.

Valentino described the office as a multi-use store front that will be home base for constituent services, a campaign office and work space for her family.

“I thought this was an inappropriate action by another representative coming in to my district to meet with constituents,” Pilon said.

The two will compete next spring for the Democratic nomination for Senate District 5 and will face a third challenger, Rep. George Hogan, D-Old Orchard Beach.

Pilon said he checked with two national organizations and found that while lawmakers in other states have constituent offices, none were opened outside their own district.


Ethics Commission Chairman Walter McKee said that the office is just over the line between the two districts.

“It’s not like it’s in Aroostook County,” he said.

Valentino hired attorney John Brautigam, also a former Democratic state legislator, to represent her before the commission. He said she wants to be in the center of town to meet with constituents when they visit the Post Office and other places. And, she checked with the ethics commission in advance to make sure she was tracking the amount of time spent with constituents or on campaigning to make sure she pays the expenses out of the proper account.

“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having an office,” Brautigam said. “It’s a wonderful thing to do.”

And while the ethics commission ruled that Valentino was complying with all applicable laws, commission member Jane Amero said she agreed with Pilon that the timing of the new office — located in his district — seemed more campaign, than constituent, related.

Valentino has been a state representative for seven years and this is the first time she’s opened an office, Amero said.


“It’s highly unusual and to me looks like it’s a campaign office,” she said. “Representatives are very protective of their districts. For one representative to come into another one’s district is highly unusual, but it’s not illegal.”

Susan Cover — 620-7015