AUGUSTA —Hollywood Slots has officially won Maine’s first full-service casino license.

Maine’s Gambling Control Board voted today to grant the license to the Bangor facility, which will expand from a slots-only operation in the coming weeks. Penobscot County voters endorsed the expansion to table games such as roulette and 21 at the polls last fall.

Gambling Director Patrick Fleming said Hollywood Slots is expected to open the table games March 16, and will keep its slot machines open for business in the meantime.

The Gambling Board also issued Maine’s first license for a casino supplies distributor to Gaming Products International USA. The Las Vegas company supplies dice, cards, tables and other casino equipment and is now licensed to supply Maine’s only casino.

Hollywood Slots probably won’t be the only Maine casino for long, however. The Gambling Control Board is expected to vote in March or April on a license for Black Bear Development’s casino in Oxford.