IN WATERVILLE, Wednesday at 9:01 a.m., a shoplifter was reported at Hannaford, at Elm Plaza.
11:22 a.m., a theft was reported on College Avenue.
12:58 p.m., a fight was reported on Silver Street.
6:19 p.m., juvenile offenses were reported on The Concourse.
6:46 p .m., a shoplifter was reported at Walmart at Waterville Commons.
7:07 p.m., a theft was reported on Merrill Street.
7:11 p.m., juvenile offenses were reported at Goodwill Industries on The Concourse.
Thursday at 12:30 a.m., a fight was reported at Champions Fitness Club at Elm Plaza.
2:51 a.m., an unwanted person was reported on Summer Street.
3:56 a.m., a vehicle accident with personal injury was reported on Interstate 95 southbound, near mile marker 128.
IN WATERVILLE, Tuesday, no time given, Michael Robbins, 36, of 194 Burnt Cove Road, Stonington, arrested on a charge of refusing to submit to detention, on Elm Street.
8:30 p.m., Jeremy Eaton, 35, of 61 Pumping Station Road, Stonington, arrested on charges of criminal trespass, assault and a probation hold, on Elm Street.
Wednesday at 2:10 a.m., John Brandli, 23, of 6 Union St., Apt. 1, arrested on a charge of operating under the influence, on Union Street.
6:40 a.m., J.P. Moss, 31, of 16 Boothby St., arrested on a charge of violation of bail conditions, on Silver Street.
9:38 a.m., Daniel Leary, 20, of 169 Davis Road, Fairfield, arrested on charges of theft and possession of alcohol by a minor, at Hannaford, at Elm Plaza.
3:02 p.m., Bonny Reynolds, 47, of 28 Ticonic St., arrested on a warrant, on Ticonic Street.
4:35 p.m., Mitchell Gilly, 43, of 43 Silver St., Apt. 1, arrested on a probation hold, at Inland Hospital on Kennedy Memorial Drive.
Thursday at 1:04 a.m., Jared Cote, 20, of 4 Main Place, arrested on a warrant, on Main Place.
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