FARMINGDALE — Hallowell City Manager Michael Starn asked the Board of Selectmen Wednesday to consider talking with the Hallowell City Council about building a fire station for both communities.

Starn told selectmen it is important communities work together to provide services during challenging economic times.

He said that Hallowell has intensified its efforts at looking into constructing a new fire station and has hired a consultant.

“We wanted to see what the future of a fire station in Hallowell would be,” Starn said. The consultant laid out five scenarios, including collaborating with Farmingdale.

Several years ago the two municipalities discussed the idea, but it fizzled, according to Selectman Rickey McKenna.

Farmingdale selectmen have since been looking into doing it alone.

Selectmen Doug Ebert has been overseeing a group of engineering students from the University of Maine who are working on a senior project to draw up plans for a combined town office and fire station in Farmingdale.

Farmingdale has no immediate plan to build a station and has no property for it. Officials said they would be willing to talk with Hallowell City Council again.