IN CLINTON, Tuesday at 9:47 a.m., harassment was reported on Battle Ridge Road.
3:01 p.m., a caller from McNally Road reported receiving an harassing/obscene phone call.
IN WATERVILLE, Tuesday at 8:56 a.m., an unwanted person was reported at Circle K/Irving on Kennedy Memorial Drive.
10:14 a.m., someone came to the Police Department to make a fraud complaint.
12:38 p.m., a vehicle accident with personal injury was reported near Allen and College avenues.
2:03 p.m., an assault was reported at Waterville Junior High School on West River Road.
6:42 p.m., a theft was reported on The Concourse.
6:47 p.m., a theft was reported on King Street.
8:10 p.m., a theft was reported on Main Street.
10:47 p.m., an assault was reported on Union Street.
Wednesday at 1:43 a.m., sex offenses were reported on North Street.


IN FAIRFIELD, Tuesday at 4:05 p.m., Christopher W. Robert, 28, of 4 Ricker St., Fairfield, arrested on a charge of domestic violence assault, on Ricker Street.
IN WATERVILLE, Tuesday at 5:05 p.m., Jessica Osnoe, 26, of 4 Ricker St., Fairfield, arrested on a warrant, at the Police Department.
Also Tuesday, Shaun Stanton, 22, of 8 Burrill St., Fairfield, arrested on a warrant, on Front Street.