WATERVILLE — The deteriorating Western Avenue Bridge over Messalonskee Stream will be replaced within two years, if all goes according to plan.
The state Department of Transportation is expecting to hear later this year if it receives funding for the project, according to Steve Bodge, a department project manager.
“It will compete with all Maine DOT projects in 2014-15,” Bodge said. “So, the earliest construction would take place is in 2014.”
Department officials estimate that the bridge, near the intersection of Cool Street, will take six to eight weeks to complete and options for detours are being explored.
“This type of bridge is going to be very difficult to maintain traffic on site while we replace it,” he said.
The bridge has a steel grate deck and abutments that sit on bedrock beneath it, Bodge said.
“The bridge was built in 1947 so it’s 65 years old. We prefer to get 75 to 100 years out of bridges, but this type of bridge allows salt and water to get in,” he said.
An inspection will make it necessary for Kennebec Water District to lower the water in the stream to inspect the abutments, he said.
“We’re hoping they’re solid and may be re-used,” Bodge said.
A report on how to fix the bridge by engineering consultant, Erdman Anthony, of Rochester, N.Y., is expected to be completed in the fall, he said.
He said once the department receives the consultant’s recommendation, it will have a better idea of the scope and cost for the project.
Funding would include 80 percent in federal dollars and 20 percent state dollars, with no local match required, he said.
Public meetings will be scheduled on the proposal, he added.
Amy Calder — 861-9247
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