At 10:05 p.m. Tuesday, , Colleen Madigan Lachowicz was  leading Dana Bushee Hernandez, 743-697 in the race for the Senate District 25 Democratic nomination. Both are from Waterville. Pittsfield and Unity Township were the only communities whose results were not available.
In Waterville, Hernandez defeated Lachowicz 423-346; in Clinton, Lachowicz beat Hernandez 128-59; in Benton, Lachowicz  beat Hernandez 60-38; and in Winslow, Lachowicz  defeated Hernandez, 163-148. In Albion, Hernandez and Lachowicz tied, 22-22; in Detroit, Lachowicz beat Hernandez, 24-7.
Senate District 25 comprises Albion, Benton, Clinton, Detroit, Pittsfield, Unity Township, Waterville and Winslow.
Hernandez, 37, an editor, says she believes the key to creating jobs is to invest in new technology and green jobs, and to reduce energy costs and the cost of living.
Lachowicz, 48, is a social worker who said she wants to help local people start and grow their own businesses.
The winner faces Sen. Thomas H. Martin Jr., R-Benton.