WATERVILLE — City councilors tonight will consider approving a property rule change that would make it easier for the code enforcement officer to cite people for weed, rubbish and garbage violations.

The proposed change to the city’s property maintenance ordinance would allow the code enforcement officer to immediately address violations.

Violators would have no right to appeal to the Property Maintenance Board since the violations are not subjective in nature and require prompt resolution, according to the proposal.

City Manager Michael Roy said Monday that when the city reviewed ordinances a few years ago, the property maintenance ordinance was inadvertently overlooked and that is why the change is being proposed now.

Councilors must take three votes to approve the change and they may take one or two votes tonight.

The city’s ordinance requires properties to be free from weeds or plant growth taller than 10 inches. Weeds are defined by the ordinance as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation other than trees or shrubs, but do not include cultivated flowers and gardens.


The ordinance also requires that all properties be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage, both inside and outside buildings.

In other matters, the council will consider awarding an $83,180 contract to Northern Line Construction Inc. of Dover-Foxcroft to install a power line at Quarry Road Recreation Area. The funding will come from a 2011 bond issue approved by the city.

The council also will consider awarding a $402,365 contract to Ferrara Fire Apparatus for a new fire engine/rescue truck.

The truck would replace Engine 3, which was removed from service due to inability to pass inspection and safety concerns, according to a memo to the mayor and city councilors from Fire Chief David LaFountain.

Funding for the truck includes a $332,500 Federal Emergency Management Agency grant.

Renewal of the city solicitor’s contract also is on the agenda.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at The Center and will be preceded by an executive session at which councilors will discuss real estate and labor negotiations.

Amy Calder — 861-9247
