Oakland volunteers are circulating petitions to gather enough signatures to have two questions placed on the November ballot.
1) Do you favor a moratorium on any increases in the tax rate (mil rate) in the Town of Oakland for a period of four years? Only disasters and emergencies shall be exempted. Any other increases in the mil rate must be approved by the voters at the general election in November of any given year.
2) Do you favor the recording and airing of Town Council meetings, Budget Committee meetings and School Board meetings on the town’s website and/or the public television access channel for a more accurate record of town business and so that any citizen may also view at their convenience?
The citizen response to the petition has been amazing. Oakland people seem to be generally fed up with tax increases and the town’s perceived unwillingness to listen to the will of the voters, specifically the town’s Municipal Building project that was voted down last year at the polls.
Residents were told the project is dead for the foreseeable future, yet we have to vote on it again this coming November.
Were Oakland voters trying to send a message when they defeated the proposed school budget by a 26-percent margin?
Oakland is a wonderful little town of 6,000 people. Many of these are senior citizens and have lived in their homes for generations.
In this difficult economy, it’s a shame that some living on fixed incomes, especially those living near the water, are being taxed out of their homes. Is that what we really want? I think not.
Interested residents can sign these petitions at various locations around town.
Gary A. Bennett
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