HALLOWELL — The fifth annual Riverfront Festival and Hallowellness day will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 1 on Hallowell’s Riverfront, Water St. The event is a celebration of a healthy, active and creative life along the banks of the Kennebec River.

This year’s event focuses on fireworks. Safe Kids Maine will be on hand to help educate Maine families about safety around fireworks and the prevention of fireworks injuries.

As the ‘All Ways One Band’ fills the air with music, participants can test their hardcore hula-hooping with Tracy Tingley, or experience a massage by Lisa Rourke Antworth. There will be about 12 or more local health and wellness practitioners on site to assist and answer questions while promoting health and wellness.

Work of local artists will be showcased in a diverse range of mediums. William Jacobs will create personalities and stone, while painters and photographers display works of nature, abstract expressionism and more.

The Riverfront Art Festival and Hallowellness day are held in conjunction with the Kennebec Valley Whatever Festival, and the Hallowell Farmer’s Market. Events taking place throughout the day include live music, a drum circle and spontaneous hula-hooping sessions.

For more information contact Jonathan Price at 629-9020 or jprice@iaofme.org or visithallowell.org.

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