Digging deeper into RSU 18’s reckless abandon with our money, we find that in addition to all of ours, the district received a one-time amount of $338,976 from the federal stimulus package (that was our money, too).

It’s gone. Spent. And now the district’s asking for more.

Is there no amount of money RSU 18 will not spend if it can pry it out of us? The slogan seems to be, “As we shrink in size (enrollment down) we can overcome it by spending more.”

The voter turnout for this issue was only 14 percent to 20 percent. It’s our money the district is still after, and it will not stop even after it gets it this year. It will be at the trough year after year, unless we finally, once and for all, say a united no. The district should live within its means.

Mark G. Gould
