Republican U.S. Senate candidate Charlie Summers raised more than $240,000 for his campaign through the end of June, according to his latest campaign finance report.

That total includes more than $122,000 raised in the two weeks after he won the GOP primary on June 12. Summers received $57,000 from political action committees since the start of his campaign. In addition to the donations, Summers loaned $55,000 to his campaign just before the primary election. Summers had $119,290 in cash on hand as of June 30, the report says.

Summers’ post-primary fundraising and the PAC donations show confidence in the secretary of state as a contender for the Sente seat being vacated by Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, according to Anthony Corrado, a professor of government at Colby College.

However, Summers is still behind former Gov. Angus King. King, an independent candidate, who raised nearly $900,000 by June 30, according to a report he released over the weekend.

King raised $470,909 between May 24 to June 30, and had $503,444 left to spend as of June 30, according to the report.

Democratic Cynthia Dill, meanwhile, had raised $91,166 and had $28,522 in her account as of June 30.

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