PORTLAND — Scott Yeomans of Bethlehem, Pa., was the fastest out of the water this morning for the second year in a row winning the annual Peaks-to-Portland swim. He took advantage of harbor conditions that were mostly flat to pull away from runner-up Sam Manhart of Hampden and win by nearly 90 seconds.

Yeoman’s time of 45 minutes, 32.8 seconds was about 2 minutes slower than his winning time of a year ago. Emerging from Casco Bay, he ran about 10 yards to the official finish line on East End Beach.

Pam Torrey of Portland was the first female to finish in a time of 50.14.5, nearly 2 minutes ahead of Cheryl Daly of South Portland. Torrey’s win was her first.

Yeoman, 48, and Torrey, 51, were competitive Ivy League swimmers. Yeoman at Cornell and Torrey at Princeton.

The first male finisher in the non-wetsuit class was Michael Leake, 34, of Bennington, Vt., with a time of 51:52.8. Susan Knight of Kennebunk was the first female out of the water in the non-wetsuit category with a time of 53:52.9.

A total of 316 swimmers started the race from Peaks Island, competing in four unseeded waves. A kayaker guided each across the 2.4-mile course. All those who entered the water finished.