Carol Lillieqvist Welsh was adopted at the age of 6 months by what seemed like model parents, but her childhood became harsher and more cruel with each passing year. Thrown out of her house at 16, life became a roller coaster of temporary homes, fleeting relationships, and an unwanted pregnancy. Years after surrendering her child, Carol married and adopted a daughter, yet she never gave up on her search to trace her own roots and find the true meaning of family and identity, as stated in a news release.

Her story, “360 Square: A Memoir of Adoption and Identity” (Create Space, June 2012), spans seven decades and two continents.

Welsh holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in human relations. A registered nurse, educator and business owner, Welsh lives in Maine. She is available for interviews and appearances. For more information about her schedule or to request a review copy of “360 Square,” call 871-1813 or email

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