AUGUSTA — Opponents of the November same-sex marriage referendum have hired a husband and wife team to help run the campaign.

Matt Hutson, who was campaign manager for state Treasurer Bruce Poliquin’s U.S. Senate run, has been hired as campaign director by Protect Marriage Maine. His wife, Megan, will serve as grassroots coordinator, the campaign announced Wednesday.

“Matt and Megan are a great addition to our team,” said Bob Emrich, chairman of Protect Marriage Maine. “They share our belief that traditional marriage clearly benefits society, and are strongly committed to protecting marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”

Matt Hutson has also worked as state director for Republican Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and was the central region director for Rick Santorum for president.

“Megan and I believe strongly in the sanctity of marriage and are thrilled to work with Protect Marriage Maine,” Matt Hutson said in a prepared statement. “If the initiative on the November ballot passes, marriage will be redefined for everyone and will be the only legal definition of marriage for anyone in Maine.”

The Hutsons will join Emrich, a Baptist pastor from Newport and Christian Civic League of Maine Executive Director Carroll Conley, who have led the campaign to this point. Also, Protect Marriage Maine expects to get considerable support from the National Organization for Marriage and its political director Frank Schubert.

Voters in Maine will go to the polls Nov. 6 to decide Question 1: “Do you want to allow the state of Maine to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples?”

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