For The Associated Press

Gregg Hurwitz, writer for television’s “V” and comics set in the “Wolverine” and “Batman” universe, also writes amazing thrillers. He outdoes himself with his latest, “The Survivor.”

Nate Overbay, a former soldier, stands on a window ledge getting ready to jump. His marriage has fallen apart and he has Lou Gehrig’s disease.

A gunshot brings him back to reality, and he discovers the bank building he’s using as a dive platform is being robbed. With nothing to lose, he climbs back into the building and systematically takes out the gang members one by one. Before escaping the scene, the leader of the group cryptically tells Nate the real person behind the robbery will not be pleased.

Nate’s ex-wife cannot understand what he was thinking, his daughter wants nothing to do with him, the police officer investigating the robbery has questions and concerns, and the mastermind behind the robbery wants him eliminated. Nate needs to stay alive long enough to protect his family and others who have no idea they have targets on their backs.

Hurwitz can take a high-concept thriller and deliver the extras needed to elevate it further. The reader becomes so emotionally involved with the characters that they feel like beloved family members.

“The Survivor” will end up on many best-of-the-year lists.

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