WATERVILLE — The Waterville non-sanctioned bridge club winners on Thursday were: Connie Fedorovich and Paul Leberman, Julie Richard and Mary Alice Rancourt, Steve Goss and Natasha Mathieu, Willie Pouliott and Carmen Landry, Betty Perry and Judy Jones, Patricia Kick and Lou Veilleux.

Club players meet at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Muskie Center on Gold Street. All players are welcome; bring a partner. For more information, call 872-5932.


FAIRFIELD — The Fairfield non-sanctioned bridge club winners on Tuesday were: north/south — Karen Torrey and Barbara Terhune, Patricia Nutt and Eva Nichols, Julie Richards and Jimmie Bradeen, Helen Laverdiere and Connie Fedorovich; east/west — David Bourque and Charles Gagnon, Paul Leberman and Diane Bishop, Frances Roy and Virginia Kelley, Helen Murphy and Janet Buzzell.

The bridge club meets at 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday at the Elks Lodge on Industrial Road in Waterville. Bring a partner. For more information, call 453-2410.


AUGUSTA — The Capitol City duplicate bridge club winners on Wednesday were: north/south – Rosemarie Goodwin and Sharron Hinkley, Pat Damon and Linda Leotsakos, and Henry Lerette and Kathleen Burden; east/west — Shirley West and Frank Shorey, Liz Cross and Stan Mathieu, and Nancy Lindgren and Nancy Lenfest. Thursday’s winners were Glen Angell and Dennis Purington, Fred Lavallee and Ben Lund, David Offer and Peter Rosenberg, and James Gray and Scott Rivard.

The club meets at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays at Granite Hill Estates off Edison Drive and 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at Kennebec Plaza, 20 Willow St. All bridge players are welcome and a partner is guaranteed. For more information, call Jan Arey at 933-4984 or Jean Bird at 872-8974.