WATERVILLE — A downtown parade, pep rally, bonfire and street dance at Head of Falls Friday will mark the annual Community Spirit Night festivities.

Sponsored by the Waterville Senior High School athletic department, Spirit Night is being held on the eve of the last day of spirit week at the school and the night before the homecoming games, according to organizer Shanon Gurski Dixon.

“This event is held to try to bring the business community and the school community in Waterville closer together,” Dixon said.

The walking parade will start at 6 p.m. in the parking lot of Elmwood Primary Care on Main Street, she said.

Parade grand marshals will be Mayor Karen Heck, representing the business community, and retired Waterville Senior High School teacher Richard Fuller, who will represent the school community, according to Dixon.

“There will be a presentation of colors followed by the national anthem, played by the high school band, and a short pep rally and then the bonfire and street dance with DJ Eric Lunt,” Dixon said.


Food, drinks and souvenirs will be available, she said. The parade will proceed down Main Street, turn left after the former Levine’s store onto Front Street and then turn right into Head of Falls on the waterfront.

Dixon said about 2,000 people attended last year’s festivities.

“The school community really gets involved and it’s everyone, from youth football at the George J. Mitchell school on up,” she said. “I get emails from people — it’ll start in August. They ask, ‘When is spirit night this year?’ People really like it. It’s a big thing.”

Dixon started spirit night several years ago, when she was president of football boosters, as a way to increase enthusiasm for sporting events. Over the years it evolved into a way to help strengthen ties between the school and business communities.

She said any groups, organizations, teams or businesses in the Waterville community are welcome to take part in the parade and festivities at Head of Falls.

“All they need to do is pick up a parade registration form, available in the athletic office at the high school,” she said.

She said many volunteers are needed to help with the event; donations also are accepted. She said anyone interested in volunteering may call her at 314-9307 and contributions may be sent to the Athletic Department at Waterville Senior High School, 1 Brooklyn Avenue, Waterville, ME 04901, and marked “for Community Spirit Night.”

Amy Calder — 861-9247
