IN ANSON, Thursday at 5:27 p.m., a report of domestic disturbance was investigated on Carrigan Drive.
IN CLINTON, Wednesday at 10:13 a.m., a vehicle accident with personal injury was reported on Church Street.
IN FAIRFIELD, Thursday, at 11:30 a.m., harassment complaint was investigated on Serenity Circle.
3:02 p.m., reported disturbance was investigated on Main Street.
IN HARTLAND, Friday at 3:10 a.m., a report of assault was investigated on Academy Street.
3:32 a.m., a report of a suspicious car was investigated on Academy Street.
IN MADISON, Tuesday at 10:38 p.m., a report of a suspicious vehicle was investigated on Cedar Ridge Drive.
Friday at 1:36 a.m., disturbance was reported resulting in an arrest on Gray Street.
10:04 a.m., a report of suspicious activity was investigated on Pleasant Street.
11:36 a.m., a report of disturbance was investigated on Park Street.
IN NORRIDGEWOCK, Friday at 1:24 p.m., a report of vandalism was investigated on Ferry Road.
IN OAKLAND, Thursday, at 6:07 p.m., suspicious activity was reported on McGrath Pond Road.
6:47 p.m., criminal trespass was reported on Oak Street.
IN PALMYRA, Thursday at 11:30 p.m., a report of harassment was investigated on Ox Bow Road.
IN PITTSFIELD, Friday at 8:31 a.m., a report of theft was investigated on Somerset Avenue.
9:59 a.m., a report of mischief was investigated on Easy Street.
3:25 p.m., a report of theft was investigated on Glen Eagle Court.
IN SKOWHEGAN, Thursday at 4:30 p.m., threatening was reported on Water Street.
Friday at 9:15 a.m., a report of theft was investigated on Hathaway Street.
10:25 a.m., a report of burglary was investigated on Lynn’s Way.
10:31 a.m., a report of a motor vehicle burglary was investigated at Fairgrounds Market Place.
1:01 p.m., harassment was reported on Island Avenue.
1:29 p.m., theft was reported on French Street.
IN STARKS, Friday at 1:54 a.m., a report of shots fired was investigated on Industry Road.
IN WATERVILLE, Wednesday at 8:47 a.m., a theft was reported at The Chez, on Water Street.
10:22 a.m., juvenile offenses were reported on West Street.
12:45 p.m., Colby College security reported a theft.
4:13 p.m., harassment was reported on Elm Street.
10:55 p.m., criminal trespass was reported on Main Street.
Thursday at 8:09 a.m., a missing person was reported on Oak Street.
10:09 a.m., a liquor law violation was reported at Joka’s Discount Beverage on Front Street.
10:57 a.m., reported threatening was investigated at JC Penney on Elm Plaza.
1:36 p.m., a report of an unwanted subject resulted in an oral warning on Aubrey Street.
3:45 p.m., juvenile offenses were reported on Carey Court.
3:59 p.m., a reported domestic dispute resulted in a verbal warning at Jorgenson’s Cafe on Main Street.
5:05 p.m., reported harassment was investigated on Elm Street.
8:24 p.m., reported theft was investigated at J&S Oil on Kennedy Memorial Drive.
8:36 p.m., a reported dispute was investigated on Kennedy Memorial Drive.
Friday, at 12:08 a.m., an unwanted subject was reported at the Bob-In tavern on Temple Street.
12:34 a.m., reported harassment was investigated at the Big Apple store on Elm Street.
12:38 a.m., a report of assault was investigated at the Big Apple on Elm Street.
3:01 a.m., a reported domestic dispute was investigated on Gold Street.
4:25 a.m., suspicious activity was investigated at Southern Angel Properties on Pleasant Street.
8:21 a.m., suspicious activity was reported on Lincoln Street.


IN FAIRFIELD, Thursday, at 1:59 p.m., a 13-year-old juvenile was issued a summons on charges of criminal threatening, criminal mischief and assault, at Glenn Stratton Learning Center on Skowhegan Road.


IN FAIRFIELD, Thursday, at 7:37 p.m., Shawn Goodale, 19, of Cardinal Drive, was arrested on a warrant, on Cardinal Drive.
IN MADISON, Friday at 3:15 a.m., Justin Dale Landry, 30, of Madison, was arrested on charges of violation of protective order, criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct.
IN WATERVILLE, Wednesday at 4:30 p.m., Jennifer Connell, 26, of 130 Bishop Road, Troy, arrested on a warrant, on Main Street.
11:05 p.m., Michael Henderson, 23, of 680 South Freedom Road, Albion, arrested on a warrant, as well as charges of refusing to submit to arrest or detention, criminal trespass and criminal mischief, on Appleton Street.
Thursday, at 1 p.m., Desiray Ann Poulin, 21, of College Avenue, was arrested on a warrant, on Gold Street.
5:03 p.m., Derek Lambert, 22, of College Avenue was arrested on a warrant and charges of unlawful possession of oxycodone and unlawful possession of a scheduled drug, on Summer Street.
9:49 p.m., Dan Alexander Libby, 37, of Edgewood Street, was arrested on a warrant and a charge of operating while his license was suspended or revoked, was arrested on Benton Avenue.