WATERVILLE — With the candy canes of Kringleville in place and the shops on Main Street selling last-minute Thanksgiving goodies, the holidays have arrived here and with them a time for residents to reflect on what they are thankful for. On an overcast afternoon the day before Thanksgiving, area residents talked about what they were thankful for amidst their preparations for the next day.
Family, a safe place to live, safe travels and time to relax, whether in retirement, cooking or caring for loved ones, topped the list. Here’s what people said:
“I’m thankful for my mom. I lost my dad about eight years ago so I’m grateful for whatever family I have.”
— James Bowdoin, 51, Winslow, photographer
“I’m especially thankful for my children and that my dad is still alive. I’m thankful for my grandchildren and that I’m retired.”
— Ann Buckham, 55, Sidney, retired
“Many invitations to dinner tomorrow. I’m going to cook together with my family. I’m thankful for a warm place to live and I’m thankful for my cocker spaniel.”
— Betty Goulette, 79, Oakland, retired hygienist
“I’m grateful my oldest daughter is here from Australia and has volunteered to do all the cooking. I’m grateful my granddaughter is also here and going to help. They insist I sit around and be queenly.”
— Marilyn Canavan, 80, Waterville, retired
“The kindness of people and how many people have helped me out.”
— Nicholas Hood, 29, Waterville, chef
“I’m thankful for my family and what God has provided me with. There are a lot of unfortunate people and I’m not one of those. I have beautiful children and a beautiful wife.”
— Royce Rossignol, 55, Winslow, postal worker
“I just made the drive up from Boston and I’m thankful I made it here OK. I’m thankful my family is here.”
— Jacob Fletcher, 24, Waterville, graphic designer
“I’m thankful for my brother, who is one year old. He was born two months early so we weren’t sure he was going to make it. I’m glad we get to celebrate a first Thanksgiving with him.”
— Jo Amy Roldan, 15, Waterville, student
“I’m thankful to be alive. My fiancée, Samantha, and I just got a new apartment so I’m thankful for that.”
— Joshua Fierley, 23, Skowhegan, Augusta call center employee
“The fact God allowed me to return from Vietnam and that I can celebrate with what family I have left.”
— Ken Bishop, 66, Waterville, retired
“I just moved here from Wisconsin and I’m thankful to have my family here visiting. I’m glad I can cook with them and take part in traditions.”
— Emily Haga, 28, Waterville, Johnny’s Seeds employee
“Family and peace here in the United States, and that I’m healthy.”
— Jacqueline Dorko, 72, Clinton, retired
Rachel Ohm — 612-2368
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