MADISON — A fire originating in a back bedroom destroyed most of a mobile home at 4 Oak St. Friday night.

“That room was completely destroyed and the rest of the interior has extensive smoke damage,” said Madison Fire Chief Roger Lightbody. “It is probably beyond repair.”

He said at the time of the fire three children and two adults were inside, although no one was injured. The family lost three or four cats though, he said.

The name of the homeowners wasn’t immediately available. Oak Street is a small street off Preble Avenue in the south end of town.

The fire was reported to the Madison Fire Department shortly after 4:30 p.m. Friday. Lightbody said that once firefighters arrived on the scene they had it under control within five minutes.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, he said Friday night.

Firefighters from Anson, Madison and North Anson responded as well as the Madison police, Madison Rescue and the Anson Madison Starks Emergency Service.

Rachel Ohm —  612-2368