Since the state law allowing use and sale of commercial fireworks took effect Jan. 1, more than 50 Maine communities have enacted their own fireworks ordinances:
Andover: Sale and use banned.
Auburn: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
Augusta: Ban on use and sale.
Bangor: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell or use banned.
Bath: Use and sale banned.
Biddeford: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell or use banned.
Boothbay Harbor: Use and sale banned.
Brunswick: Use and sale banned.
Buxton: Use and sale banned.
Caribou: Fire permit required for use; use restricted to certain areas of town.
Cumberland: Sale banned; use restricted to five days per year, on holidays.
Damariscotta: Sale banned; use restricted to certain areas.
Eliot: Use banned.
Ellsworth: Use banned during periods of high fire danger — class 4 or greater.
Fairfield: Sale allowed with permit; use restricted to July 2-6.
Falmouth: Use and sale banned.
Farmingdale: Use permitted only 5–10 p.m., except July 3–5, Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. May not be used at all when fire danger, as designated by the Maine Forest Service, is class 4 or 5. Three complaints about any user will result in that user not being allowed to use fireworks in Farmingdale.
Freeport: Sale and possession with intent to sell banned; use within 50 feet of any public way banned.
Frye Island: Use banned “unless sanctioned by the Town of Frye Island Board of Selectmen.”
Gardiner: Ban on use; sale permitted.
Greenwood: Sale banned; use restricted to holidays and banned during periods of high fire danger — class 3 or greater.
Hallowell: Use restricted to certain areas of city. Contact city officials for more information.
Harpswell: Sale banned; use restricted to five specified days per year.
Harrison: Use and sale banned.
Hermon: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
Hollis: Use and sale banned.
Kennebunkport: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
Lewiston: Sale banned.
Mechanic Falls: Use restricted to Fridays and Saturdays, plus four holidays.
Mount Desert: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
North Berwick: Use restricted to 50 feet from combustibles; banned during periods of high fire danger — class 4 or greater.
North Yarmouth: Use within 50 feet of any public way is banned.
Old Orchard Beach: Use and sale banned.
Orono: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
Owls Head: Use and sale banned.
Portland: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
Rockland: Use and sale banned.
Saco: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
Sanford: Use banned.
Scarborough: Sale is allowed with permit; use restricted to five specified days per year.
Skowhegan: Use is permitted, sale is banned.
South Portland: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell or use banned.
Unity: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
Waldoboro: Fire permit required for use; use banned during periods of high fire danger — class 4 or greater; use within 50 feet of public land banned; use downtown banned.
Waterville: Use and sale banned.
Wayne: Use and sale banned.
Wells: Use and sale banned.
Winslow: Town permit needed for sale.
Winthrop: Use OK 9 a.m.–9 p.m., extended to 12:30 a.m. Fourth of July, New Year’s Eve and weekends before and after those holidays. Sale banned.
Wiscasset: Sale limited to certain areas of town; use banned.
Woodstock: Sale banned.
Yarmouth: Use, sale and possession with intent to sell banned.
York: Use and sale banned.
Source: staff reports and
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