WATERVILLE — A man robbed the KeyBank on Kennedy Memorial Drive on Thursday afternoon, fleeing with an undisclosed amount of cash.

Police swarmed the area after the 4:45 p.m. robbery, searching among nearby medical buildings and in the woods behind the bank.

Deputy police Chief Charles Rumsey said Kennebec County Sheriff’s Cpl. G.J. Neagle searched the area with a dog.

“To this point, the canine has not picked up a track, and we’re operating on the theory that the person responsible may have gotten into a vehicle,” Rumsey said around 5:30 p.m. in the bank parking lot.

A few minutes before police got the call about the robbery, a man entered the bank and presented the teller with a note demanding money, Rumsey said.

“The note also made a threat,” he said. “No weapon was displayed.”


He declined to say what the threat was.

“The robber did receive an unspecified amount of cash and fled the bank,” he said. “He was last seen behind the bank fleeing on foot toward 325 KMD.”

Rumsey said police searched an area around the bank and extending to Washington and Lincoln streets.

The robber is described as a white male between 45 and 55 years old and of average height. He was wearing a long coat and a hat, Rumsey said.

He declined to give further details about the robber’s clothing and physical appearance so early in the investigation.

“I would anticipate that probably tomorrow, if we are still investigating this case, we’ll have additional details and potential surveillance pictures to release,” he said.


The robbery happened when police were changing shifts at the station, so all detectives and available officers converged on the scene, according to Rumsey.

Around 5:40 p.m., about a dozen Waterville officers and Neagle still were scouring the area in increasing darkness and frigid temperatures that dipped into the mid-20s but felt colder because of a biting wind.

A state police trooper arrived with a dog because initially police thought two dogs might be needed, but after conferring with Neagle, the trooper left and did not take part in the search, according to Rumsey.

The bank lot is sandwiched between Penney Hill Park, which houses Goodwill Industries of Northern New England, and the doctors’ office complex.

Police also searched a dirt road that is now closed but extends from Kennedy Memorial Drive to Lincoln Street, near the doctors’ complex.

Rumsey said when the robber left the bank, he ran around the west side of the building and headed toward the rear of the institution, near the doctors’ offices.

Anyone with information about the case is asked to call police at 680-4700, Rumsey said.

Amy Calder — 861-9247