9 a.m.
Health and Human Services Committee; public hearings; room 209; Cross Building
L.D. 752, “An Act To Restore the Resource Development Centers to Full Operation”: restores the contracts with the resource development centers that provided professional development services to licensed and registered child care providers and referral services to parents in need of child care.
L.D. 803, “An Act Regarding Certain Aspects of Infant Care in Child Care Facilities”: allows a parent or guardian to request that a child care facility use cloth diapers for the parent’s or guardian’s child if allowed by the child care facility.
L.D. 828, “An Act To Improve the Administration of the Child Care Subsidy Program and To Prevent Erroneous Termination of Child Care Services”: requires the Department of Health and Human Services to allow an applicant who is unable to comply a reasonable extension of time to meet the requirements or a modification of the application of eligibility rules and to provide the person an opportunity for a hearing and final agency determination.
L.D. 909, “Resolve, To Establish MaineCare Eligibility for Parents Participating in Reunification Activities”: directs the Department of Health and Human Services to submit to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services an application for a MaineCare waiver to cover MaineCare parents or are eligible to be MaineCare members who are participating in rehabilitation and family reunification activities until the parent ceases to participate in reunification activities or until parental rights are terminated.
L.D. 1024, “An Act To Enhance Enforcement of the Mandatory Reporting of Abuse and Neglect”: requires the Department of Health and Human Services to make a report to the licensing board of a professional who appears to have violated mandatory reporting laws.
L.D. 1031, “An Act To Require a Mandatory Peer Review Process for the Restraint and Seclusion of Children in a Hospital or Children’s Home”: requires the commissioner of Health and Human Services to establish a procedure for reviewing the use of restraint and seclusion for children receiving services in a hospital or children’s home.
Transportation Committee; public hearings; room 126; State House
L.D. 1296, “An Act To Require the Secretary of State To Suspend a Person’s License in Certain Instances Regardless of whether an Accident Report Has Been Filed”: requires the secretary of State to suspend the license of a motorist who is subject to an outstanding judgment for an unreported accident on a public way that resulted in bodily injury, death or property damage of at least $1,000.
L.D. 1327, “An Act To Provide Greater Options for Transportation of Public School Students for Cocurricular Activities”: provides that a motor vehicle with a carrying capacity of 10 to 15 passengers operated by a driver with an appropriate license may be used for school activities other than conveying children to and from school.
L.D. 1356, “An Act To Improve the Statutes Governing Road Associations”: expands the description of maintenance, requires that notice to member of a road association include the amount of assessment, allows the road association to purchase liability insurance and include this cost and administration costs be included in the assessment, requires that the assessment be based on a formula, removes the requirement that the assessment be collected in the same manner as town taxes and specifies that the road association’s commissioner or board may bring a civil action to enforce an assessment.
L.D. 1371, “An Act To Exempt New Cars from Motor Vehicle Inspection for 2 Years Following the Initial Purchase”: provides that a new motor vehicle that has had an inspection is not required to have another inspection until two years from the last day of the month in which it was initially registered.
L.D. 1372, “An Act To Prohibit the Requirement That Proof of Citizenship Be Submitted for Renewal of a Driver’s License”: prohibits the secretary of State from requiring a birth certificate or other documentation to prove the citizenship of a person renewing a driver’s license issued by the state.
10 a.m.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee; work sessions; room 436; State House
L.D. 188, “An Act To Criminalize Possession of a Suspended or Revoked Concealed Handgun Permit”: requires the holder of a revoked concealed handgun permit to immediately surrender that license to the issuing authority and makes possessing a suspended or revoked concealed handgun permit a class E crime.
L.D. 191, “An Act To Authorize the Suspension of a Concealed Handgun Permit”: allows the issuing authority of a concealed handgun permit to suspend that permit if the issuing authority has reasonable cause to believe the permit holder’s permit may be subject to revocation and provides the permit holder an opportunity for a hearing on the issuing authority’s decision to suspend the permit.
L.D. 222, “An Act Designating the Chief of the State Police as the Only Issuing Authority of a Permit To Carry a Concealed Handgun”: makes the chief of the State Police in the Department of Public Safety the sole issuing authority in the State for concealed weapons permits.
L.D. 223, “An Act To Amend the Laws Regarding a Concealed Handgun Permit”: changes the minimum age to obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun to 21 years of age.
L.D. 660, “An Act To Enhance Self-defense by Removing Restrictions on the Carrying and Use of Weapons”: removes the prohibition on having a loaded firearm or crossbow in a motor vehicle for a person other than a concealed weapons permit holder; provides the exception that a person may shooting from a motorboat in defense of life or property; removes the prohibition on concealing a dangerous weapon; and removes exceptions to the law prohibiting the carrying of a concealed dangerous weapon.
L.D. 771, “An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Reciprocity for Concealed Handguns Permits”: makes a concealed handguns permit issued to a nonresident invalid outside the state borders and prohibits a reciprocity agreement with another state to allow the issuance of a concealed handguns permit to a nonresident by the state to serve as a basis for the issuance of a concealed handguns permit in the other state.
L.D. 1022, “An Act To Improve Training Requirements for Obtaining a Concealed Handgun Permit”: requires an applicant for a permit to carry a concealed handgun demonstrate possession of defensive handgun skills and a knowledge of the applicable provisions of the criminal laws of the state.
L.D. 1053, “An Act Regarding a Retired Law Enforcement Officer Carrying a Concealed Handgun without a Permit”: adds that the retired law enforcement officer must have completed the firearms basic training course at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy or equivalent training requirements to carry a concealed handgun without a permit and removes the requirement for training within a year of possessing the handgun.
Taxation Committee; public hearings; room 127; State House
L.D. 1141, “An Act To Increase the Sales Tax To Support Revenue Sharing”: imposes an additional 1 percent sales tax if the amount of revenue transferred for revenue sharing is less than 5 percent for the prior fiscal year and reverts to the statutory rates if in the subsequent year the revenue transferred for revenue sharing is at least 5 percent.
L.D. 1227, “An Act To Promote Tourism and Economic Development”: increases the sales tax on lodging to 12 percent beginning Oct. 1.
L.D. 1297, “An Act To Provide Funding for Public Education by Increasing the Sales Tax”: raises the sales tax to 5 2/3 percent to assist the state in funding 55 percent of the cost of the total allocation for kindergarten to grade 12 education.
L.D. 1314, “An Act To Allow a Local Option Tax on Meals and Lodging”: allows a municipality to impose up to 2 percent additional tax on rental living quarters and on prepared food sold in that municipality.
L.D. 1402, “An Act To Amend the Taxes Imposed on Alcohol and Lodging”: repeals the excise taxes and premiums imposed on spirits, wine and malt liquor; increases the sales and use tax imposed on lodging and liquor to 9 percent; and decreases the exempt period of casual rentals of living quarters to fewer than eight days.
1 p.m.
Health and Human Services Committee; public hearings; room 209; Cross Building
L.D. 1047, “Resolve, To Provide a Better Transition for Foster Children to Independent Adulthood”: directs the commissioner of Health and Human Services to review and analyze services for persons in foster care making the transition to independent adulthood and report to the Legislature by Jan. 15, 2014.
L.D. 1244, “An Act To Require Child Protective Services To Screen Parents of Newborn Infants”: emergency bill, requires hospitals and institutions to electronically submit information to the Department of Health and Human Services for the purposes of recording births and gathering medical information to the department to be used to identify any parent that has previously had parental rights terminated.
L.D. 1294, “An Act To Increase the Penalty for Smoking in a Motor Vehicle When a Child Is Present”: increases the fine for smoking in a motor vehicle when a child is present to $250 for a first offense and $500 for a second or subsequent offense.
L.D. 1334, “An Act To Create Child Advocacy Centers in Maine”: establishes child advocacy centers, one in each of the nine public health districts, responsible for coordinating the investigation and prosecution of child sexual abuse.
Taxation Committee; public hearings; room 127; State House
L.D. 427, “An Act To Authorize Options for Local Revenue Enhancement”: allows a municipality to impose a local option sales tax, which may be seasonal, of 5 percent or less by local referendum.
L.D. 901, “An Act To Modify the Mining Excise Tax”: establishes an annual water quality surtax on water contamination resulting from mining equal to $1 per gallon of groundwater and surface water that is contaminated.
L.D. 1205, “An Act To Lower the Rate of Excise Tax on Older Vehicles To Acknowledge the Longer Life Span of Motor Vehicles”: amends the excise tax on the registration of motor vehicles to take into consideration the high percentage of motor vehicles registered each year in this state that are more than 6 years old.
L.D. 1206, “An Act To Ensure Equity in the Taxation of Food Items”: proposes to change the way the sales and use tax is applied to grocery staples.
L.D. 1370, “An Act To Exempt from Sales Tax the Sales of Adaptive Equipment To Make a Vehicle Handicapped Accessible”: exempts from sales tax the sales of adaptive equipment to a person with a disability or a family member of a person with a disability for installation in or on a motor vehicle to make the vehicle accessible by a person with a disability.
L.D. 1379, “An Act Regarding the Valuation of Certain Vehicles”: directs the state tax assessor to value a vehicle that is restored or reconstructed using a prepackaged kit that may include a frame, front axle or body but does not include a power train or engine at the price of the prepackaged kit.
2 p.m.
Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future Committee; public hearings; Biddeford-Saco
L.D. 90, “An Act To Strengthen Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future”: closes the skills gap by strengthening the place-based economic engines such as downtowns, farms etc.
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