NEW VINEYARD — The Merry Plinksters, a well-practiced band of enthusiastic ukulele players, will lead a sing-along during Wednesday’s, July 17, meeting of New Vineyard Historical Society meeting. The society will convene at 5 p.m. at Smith Hall on Main Street for a potluck supper. The president, Sherwood W. Anderson, will conduct the meeting, and Mike Burd, director of the Plinksters, will lead the singing.

In addition to Burd and his wife, the ukulele Plinksters include Becky Errington, Pam Moore, Lorraine Norton, Marcia Cook, Cindy Pooler and Elaine Wells. Lynne Riccardo and Liz Anderson are coordinating the potluck.

Those who attend are asked to bring a dish, salad or dessert to share, as the New Vineyard Historical Society celebrates the 21st year of its existence.