HANOVER, N.H. — Students at Dartmouth College are thankful that a dog named Daisy found a 3-foot-long python that escaped from its tank at a frat house.

Daisy, a 4-year-old Jack Russell/dachshund mix, found the snake while walking with her owner Tuesday night.

The Valley News reported that the python had been on the loose for at least five days after it escaped from its tank at Tabard House, a co-ed fraternity, last week.

Vicky Jean Moors, Daisy’s owner and a house manager at Tabard, said Daisy started sniffing at a wood panel outside the house that covers a hole with some utility hookups. Moors said she lifted the panel and saw the snake.

Authorities say the snake isn’t poisonous and most likely wouldn’t hurt a human or small pet.