CORINNA — Corinna Family Fun Day will be celebrated Saturday downtown with the following events:

* A parade starts at 10 a.m. Line up begins at 9 a.m.

* A children’s decorated bike parade and contest will begin at 11:30 a.m. (children must wear helmet). Age divisions are 3-6 and 7-10. Bring decorated bikes to Main Street for a line-up following the parade.

* A scarecrow-decorating contest. Bring a decorated scarecrow to the main booth by 9:45 am. Categories are kindergarten to grade 4, grades 5-8 and adults. Judging is set for noon or just after the parade.

* A children’s pie-eating contest will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the Main Street field. The age groups are 5-8 and 9-12.

* A pumpkin-painting contest will begin at 11 a.m.; judging is set for 3 p.m.; all ages. There will be prizes for the most creative, funniest, scariest and most colorful. Pumpkins and paint will be supplied.


* Homemade pie contest — pies must have a homemade crust and be entered by noon at the Pie Booth. Judging begins at 12.30 p.m.

* Pirate dress contest. Participants are to meet at the Main Booth immediately after parade.

There will be all day music at the bandstand. Handicapped-accessible parking is available by the bandstand.

For more information, call 278-3415. For vendor space and other details, call Elaine Lister at 278-8942 or 356-7746 or Marsha Doherty at 278-3834 or 249-4001.