WATERVILLE — Police are investigating a break-in Tuesday at a Main Street business in which burglars broke a glass door and stole tobacco and rolling papers, according to police.

The business, Vapors & Tobacco, has not yet opened at 251 Main St., just north of the railroad tracks by Sanger Avenue.

Deputy police Chief Charles Rumsey said Wednesday that a police officer on patrol at 10:15 a.m. Tuesday noticed the glass front door to Vapors was broken.

Police determined that the store was broken into around 1 a.m. and that two people were involved.

The value of the items is likely under $100, he said.

“I’m sure the damage to the door is more than the value of the merchandise they stole,” Rumsey said.


Rumsey said police found evidence at the scene, but details won’t be released during the investigation. Police as of Wednesday had not identified suspects, according to Rumsey, but have some leads they are following up on.

Burglary is a class C felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine up to $5,000, Rumsey said.

The small brick building at 251 Main St. previously housed businesses including a cellphone company and a tattoo shop.

Amy Calder — 861-9247 acalder@centralmaine.com Twitter: @AmyCalder17