Voters at Saturday’s Town Meeting will consider adopting an ordinance regulating how often people may have yard sales and the conditions they must maintain at such sales.

The meeting will be at 10 a.m. at the community center. Municipal elections will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, also at the community center.

Incumbent Selectman Priscilla Jones and newcomer Galen Knight are running for two seats on the five-member Board of Selectmen; Daniel Sprague and Brent Hale are running as write-ins for those two seats, according to Town Clerk Val Sprague. The selectmen terms are for three years.

Incumbent Darren Briggs is running unopposed for a three-year seat on the Regional School Unit 19 Board of Directors.

The yard sale ordinance, recommended by the Planning Board, says only personal property — not new or used goods bought or consigned specifically for yard sales — may be sold at the events.

People wanting to hold a yard sale must get a $2 permit from the town office at least 14 days before the first day of a yard sale and the permit is good for no more than three consecutive days, according to the proposed ordinance. Also, only four permits per residence are allowed in one year, and at least 30 days separate those sales.


Anyone violating the ordinance can be cited by the code enforcement officer or authorized agent of the town, the proposal says. It stipulates that a town-wide yard sale, the date of which will be determined by selectmen, may be held twice a year and people do not have to get permits for those sales.

Also Saturday, voters will consider spending $150,000 for the town charge account, which includes salaries, utilities, supplies, equipment, contracted services and other town office needs; $50,660 for insurance; $9,000 for utilities and maintenance of Town Hall; $10,000 for assessing work; $49,260 for the third of five annual payments for construction of a building to be used as a town garage; and $200,000 for public works.

Voters also will be asked to consider authorizing selectmen to borrow no more than $175,000 to buy public works trucks, with the first loan payment due 12 months from the loan closing date.

Other expenditures to be considered Saturday: $105,000 for solid waste disposal; $30,000, recycling; $5,000 for updating and refurbishing the town’s conference room and assessor’s office; $7,500, animal control; $5,500, recreation program; $3,000, library; and $10,000 for an investment account for future capital improvements for town-owned buildings and properties.

Amy Calder — 861-9247 Twitter: @AmyCalder17