WATERVILLE — City residents will have an opportunity to publicly discuss city issues — both the good and bad — at a meeting Monday.

The forum at which neighborhood issues such as crime, safety, parks, trails, youth, housing and transportation will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday at Spectrum Generations’ Muskie Center on Gold Street.

Hosted by the South End Neighborhood Association, the event offers a way for people to voice their worries, concerns and hopes, according to Jackie Dupont, association co-chairman.

“We are inviting homeowners, youth, tenants, the mayor, building managers, city council members, the chief of police, local businesses and the city’s code enforcement officer to join us for this event,” Dupont said in a news release. “It’s important for everyone who lives and works in this city to feel included in the next phase of Waterville.”

Dupont, who also is a Planning Board member, said speakers at the event will include members of the Bicycle Coalition of Maine, Waterville Skatepark Project, Waterville Community Land Trust and Kennebec Messalonskee Trails. Topics to be addressed include transportation, recreation and housing.

The South End Neighborhood Association was established 13 years ago as a way to help rejuvenate the city’s South End. South End residents held regular meetings to listen to concerns of people who lived and worked there. Dupont said association members will recap what the organization has accomplished and discuss a comprehensive plan for the neighborhood, as well as ongoing initiatives.

Monday’s forum, she said, will be held in the same spirit as the first association meeting held 13 years ago, with the hope that people will talk about issues and leave with a sense of empowerment, community and commitment. The doors will open at 6 p.m.

Amy Calder — 861-9247 acalder@centralmaine.com Twitter: @AmyCalder17