All Augusta-area school budgets that were on the ballot Tuesday passed, late results showed Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

In addition to the previously reported budget approvals for Augusta Public Schools, Regional School Unit 2, RSU 4 and RSU 11, budgets passed in RSU 12, RSU 38 and Winthrop.

RSU 12

Somerville was the only town, out of the seven remaining in RSU 12, to reject the RSU’s first post-Wiscasset budget.

Somerville had 26 votes against the budget and 25 votes for it.

The vote in favor of the budget elsewhere was 35-13 in Alna, 127-67 in Chelsea, 71-54 in Palermo, 101-28 in Westport Island, 121-55 in Whitefield and 116-78 in Windsor. The budget passed by a margin of 64.6 percent to 35.4 percent.


The budget scales back central office staffing to complement the district’s smaller size.

RSU 12 no longer has to pay to run Wiscasset’s expensive, underpopulated schools, but it does have to pay much more in tuition for Alna and Westport Island students to continue attending Wiscasset’s schools.

Alna’s contribution would decrease by 2.1 percent, Chelsea’s by 1.7 percent, Westport Island’s by 12.1 percent and Whitefield’s by 2 percent. Palermo would pay 5 percent more, Somerville 5.3 percent more and Windsor 6.8 percent more.

RSU 38

Voters were receptive to a $15.6 million budget that actually reduces spending in RSU 38.

The vote for the budget was 298-82 in Manchester, 196-29 in Mount Vernon, 406-263 in Readfield and 175-59 in Wayne. Overall, 66.8 percent of voters approved the budget.


The district is saving money by eliminating two teachers and two education technicians, reducing time for art and music at elementary schools and raising student fees for high school and middle school activities.

The amount to be contributed by each town will rise by 1.4 percent for Manchester, 0.8 percent for Mount Vernon, 1.6 percent for Readfield and 3.9 percent for Wayne.


Winthrop Public Schools’ $10.3 million budget, which increases spending by 3.3 percent, passed by a wide margin.

The vote was 550 in favor of the budget and 225 against.

The contribution by local taxpayers will rise by 5.3 percent, amounting to a tax increase of $50 on a $100,000 home.


New staff spending in the budget includes an additional kindergarten teacher, five more education technicians in special education and an education technician to assist struggling students at Winthrop Middle School.

The district will also buy new textbooks, both print and digital, and must pay higher health insurance premiums.

Susan McMillan — 621-5645

Twitter: @s_e_mcmillan