AUGUSTA — The development company renovating the former MaineGeneral Health hospital recently sold a second building at the Central Maine Commerce Center as part of a plan to shed $50 million worth of assets in the next year.

Central Maine Commerce Center Inc., which is owned by Dirigo Capital Advisors, LLC, sold 21 Enterprise Drive to Lewiston-based MRE, LLC for $1.685 million in a deal that closed June 27. Chris Paszyc and Dan Greenstein, of CBRE The Boulos Co., brokered the deal.

Kevin Mattson, president of the Portland-based Dirigo, said the sale of the nearly 19,000-square-foot office building that houses the Augusta CareerCenter and two buildings on MaineGeneral Health’s Seton campus in Wateville that recently sold for $1.1 million mark the end of the company’s efforts to sell $25 million worth of properties in the Augusta area.

The company plans to sell another $25 million worth of assets in the Saco and Sanford area in the next six to 12 months, Mattson said.

It sold the MaineGeneral Musculoskeletal Center building, next to the Augusta CareerCenter building on Enterprise Drive, for $14.7 million to Montecito Medical Operating Co., a property holding company based in Nashville, Tenn., in February.

This year it also sold a medical building leased to MaineGeneral in Oakland’s FirstPark, the North Park office building at 330 Civic Center Drive in Augusta, and the building that houses Hattie’s Chowder House at 103 Water St. in Hallowell.


Mattson said the company is selling properties because it’s focusing its energy on other development projects, including redeveloping the former MaineGeneral hospital campus on East Chestnut Street in Augusta. The former hospital building, now named the Ballard Center, is about 50 percent filled with tenants, Mattson said. The health organization closed the 317,000-square-foot hospital in November when it opened the regional MaineGeneral Medical Center in north Augusta.

Matton said it’s also been a very good to time sell in the real estate market.

“It’s out of control — in a good way,” he said.

Paul Koenig — 621-5663

Twitter: @paul_koenig