WATERVILLE — Republican candidates for mayor, City Council and Board of Education will be chosen Tuesday night at a caucus hosted by the Republican City Committee.

The caucus will be at 5:30 p.m. in the third floor council chambers at The Center, at 93 Main St.

Republican City Committee Chairman Neal Patterson said he encourages all city Republicans to attend the caucus, which also will choose wardens and ward clerks to run for the Nov. 4 election.

Besides mayor, positions up for grabs are three councilors and three members on the Board of Education, in wards 2, 4 and 6, all for three-year terms, according to Patterson. Also open: a one-year position for ward clerk in Ward 1; three-year warden and ward clerk positions in Ward 2; two-year positions for warden and ward clerk in Ward 3; three-year ward and ward clerk positions in Ward 4; two-year warden and ward clerk positions in Ward 5; three-year warden and ward clerk spots in Ward 6; and one-year warden and ward clerk positions in Ward 7.

Two three-year citywide positions on the Kennebec Water District Board of Trustees also are open.

City Clerk Patti Dubois will be at the council chambers at 5 p.m. Tuesday to enroll anyone interested in registering as a Republican.


Meanwhile, The Democratic City Committee has set a caucus for 6 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 3, at Waterville Senior High School to choose candidates for the same positions.

All Republicans and Democrats nominated at party caucuses for council and school board must submit petition signatures and formal declaration of candidacy letters to the city clerk’s office at City Hall before 4:30 p.m. Sept. 4, according to Dubois. They must get at least 25 but not more than 50 valid signatures from residents who are registered voters in the ward in which they seek a position.

Mayoral candidates are required to submit at least 15 but not more than 25 signatures from each city ward. Petition papers are available now at Dubois’ office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. They also will be available at caucuses.

Those wanting to run for office but not affiliated with a political party must get petition papers from Dubois’ office and return the required number of signatures by 4:30 p.m. Sept. 4.

Republicans and Democrats not wanting to go through the caucus process but wanting to run for office may do so by getting the required number of signatures, but an R or D”will not appear after their names on the November ballot.

So far, only one person has announced plans to run for mayor — banker Nick Isgro, 32.


Mayor Karen Heck, a Democrat, is not running for a second term.

Amy Calder — 861-9247


Twitter: @AmyCalder17