WATERVILLE — A free Family Fun Day, hosted by Catholic Charities’ Children’s Case Management, is set for 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 23, at North Street Park.

The fourth annual event will feature face painting and balloon animals with Wingnut the Clown, free book giveaway, carnival-themed games and crafts, obstacle course, imagination station and yoga.

The first 125 people can enjoy complimentary hot dogs and chips. Everyone can enter to win raffles and prizes, courtesy of event sponsors.

Staff from Children’s Case Management will be on hand to answer any questions parents may have about services. CCM serves eligible, at-risk youth from birth through age 20 who may be coping with mental health issues, developmental disorders, and chronic medical conditions. From assessment through advocacy and evaluation, CCM seeks to encourage and build independence,enhance functioning in home, school and community; and empower children to achieve their optimal potential.

Rain date is set for 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 24.

For more information, visit ccmaine.org or call 800-782-8550, ext. 2722.