Industry will hold a special town meeting Tuesday to vote on a proposed raise for the town clerk, a new recycling contractor and a request for $2,500 more for the Town Garage.

The meeting will be 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Industry Town Hall at 1033 Industry Road.

Voters at the special town meeting will be asked to give the town clerk a raise, at the request of a resident who filed enough petition signatures to put the issue on the warrant for a special meeting.

Resident Dean Look, who sponsored the article, said his mother was once a town clerk and he feels Industry’s town clerk and treasurer, Angel Davis, should receive a raise.

At March’s Town Meeting, Look proposed increasing the pay for the town’s administrators but was told that the meeting rules and the language of the warrant articles do not allow for increasing the budget.

Look’s proposal recommends raising the rate of pay from $13,000 to $18,000.


In a note on the town meeting warrant, the board of selectmen stated the reason the residents are asked to vote on the raise is because of a petition which received enough signatures to call for a vote.

“The recommendation is that of the petition and not the board of selectmen,” the note states.

First Selectmen Lee Ireland said previously that the town is stretched thin and he is against the article’s phrasing, that allows for the voters in attendance to raise any level of money to appropriate to the town clerk.

In addition to the issue of what to pay the town clerk, voters will be asked to handle several housekeeping items.

Voters will consider raising $1,800 for the recycling center. At the March annual Town Meeting, residents raised $1,268 to finish out a contract with Sandy River Recycling Association, but the nonprofit has since dissolved and left its members looking for other options. Industry’s contract with the association ended June 30.

Voters will be asked to raise $1,800 to contract with Archie’s Inc. in Mexico, Maine, which has been providing services to the town on a month to month contract.

Also, voters will consider whether to raise $2,500 for the operating budget for the town garage. Residents raised $3,500 at the March annual Town Meeting but the warrant article notes that “due to a very cold and long winter, the heating oil and electricity accounts are overdrawn.”

Lastly, voters will consider allotting $15,000 for the care and maintenance of the summer roads.

While $50,000 was raised at the town meeting, because of heavy rain and flash flooding “several roads sustained substantial damage that required costly repairs.”