PARSIPPANY, N.J. — Gov. Chris Christie says he’d rather die than become a U.S. senator.

The Republican governor told an NAACP audience Saturday that he’d rather drown himself in the Potomac River than serve as a senator from his state. He said he would be bored to death in a chamber with 99 other people, asking for motions on amendments in subcommittees.

Christie, the chairman of the Republican Governors Association, is scheduled to attend a noon fundraiser for Maine Gov. Paul LePage at Ironhourse Court in Lewiston Tuesday. The two outspoken governors will then take a walking tour of LePage’s hometown.

Christie is weighing a run for the White House in 2016. His remarks came during a keynote address at the civil rights group’s New Jersey State Convention as he discussed how he’ll never run for office in New Jersey again.

Christie talked about defying political expectations by finding common ground with the group on issues like overhauling the bail system.

It was his first keynote in front of the group as governor.