A vacant home was destroyed by fire Friday night on Withey Road in New Vineyard.

Fire Chief Douglas Churchill said nobody was hurt in the blaze, which was reported shortly before 11 p.m. at 60 Withey Road.

Churchill said nobody lives in the home, which he believes is insured. He declined to identify the owner.

“I don’t like popping out names,” he said.

Churchill said the fire is not suspicious but he does not know how it started. The state fire marshal’s office is investigating the fire, he said.

Firefighters from Farmington, Strong, Temple, Industry and New Portland helped New Vineyard crews fight the fire.


“It was fully involved when we got there,” Churchill said.

He said he did not know how long it took to control the fire, but he remained at the fire scene until 3 a.m.

Craig Crosby — 621-5642


Twitter: @CraigCrosby4