Republican incumbent and Senate President-elect Michael Thibodeau increased his margin of victory in a recount of votes in state Senate District 11, which includes Waldo County.

Results announced Monday by the secretary of state showed Thibodeau, of Winterport, won by 135 votes, defeating Democrat Jonathan Fulford, of Monroe. The Republican majority in the state Senate elected Thibodeau, who was Senate minority leader last year, as president of the body last week.

Fulford requested the recount after unofficial results indicated that he had lost the election to Thibodeau by 105 votes, 8,961 to 9,066.

At the conclusion of the recount, the official tally was adjusted to reflect that Fulford received 8,974 votes, while Thibodeau received 9,109.

Fulford formally conceded the election last Friday.