CLINTON — A scorched home at 952 Hinckley Road is a total loss after a fire there Friday night, according to Fire Chief Gary Petley.

Firefighters spent more than four hours battling the blaze, which displaced a family of five.

Residents Donald and Clarissa Belanger tried to extinguish the fire, which started when an unattended candle ignited a cloth shower curtain, according to Petley.

They fled with their two dogs when they were unable to contain the fire. Their daughters — Tes, Sky and Kay — were not home at the time of the incident.

According to Petley, an open window caused the flames to spread quickly through the home.

“It’s pretty much all gutted out on the inside,” he said.


Donald Belanger said he is waiting to hear from his insurance provider to determine when and whether the family can rebuild.

In the meantime, the American Red Cross has provided the family with three nights in a local hotel until they can make other arrangements.

“We lost everything,” he said.

Extended family members have established a fundraising campaign on to help the Belangers in their recovery.

“It doesn’t have to be a lot but anything helps!” the campaign says.

In addition to Clinton fire units, Burnham, Canaan, Fairfield and Winslow units responded to the blaze, reported at 9:55 p.m.

Evan Belanger — 861-9239

Twitter: @evanbelanger