A proposed new McDonald’s restaurant in Farmington would change the traffic patterns on the property while adding about $100,000 to the city’s property tax base.

McDonald’s Corp. has requested approval from the town Planning Board for the new restaurant at 303 Main St. at the intersection of Main and Front streets.

The application submitted to the town on the proposed construction proposes pushing the store back farther on the same site it is now, allowing for a lane of traffic that would loop around the store along the front. There would be two drive-thru ordering queues as part of the new traffic pattern.

“Existing traffic volumes are not expected to increase significantly as the overall seating will be reduced, nor should there be any negative impacts to off-street traffic patterns as the site currently operates as a fast food restaurant with drive-thru,” the company’s engineering firm, Bohler Engineering, stated in a letter to the town.

The Planning Board will hold a public hearing next month on the proposal to demolish the current McDonald’s and construct a new building.

Code Enforcement Officer Steve Kaiser said the planning board will likely hear the proposal and ask questions but not take action until a later meeting.


He said the public will have a chance to give feedback on what people want the building to look like and any concerns they have. Other construction on that stretch of Main Street, such as the Farmington Rite Aid, adopted architecture that matches the downtown village appearance.

According to town records, the structure is valued at around $812,100. The application filed with the town estimates the value of the new 4,892-square-foot restaurant at about $900,000.

Residents will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the proposed new building at the hearing at 6 p.m. Monday, March 9, at the Town Office downstairs meeting room.

The McDonald’s is in village commercial zoning and abuts other commercial and public properties, including Hippach Field and Gifford’s Ice Cream, on the U.S. Route 2 and Route 27 road.

A letter sent to abutters of the current McDonald’s said the site will have additional improvements, such as new utilities, lights and signage as well as the side-by-side drive-thru ordering lanes and the additional lane in front to allow traffic to circle back around the property without having to exit and re-enter the parking lot

A site plan for the proposed building shows the property with exits and entrances in the same location.

Kaitlin Schroeder — 861-9252
