AUGUSTA — A Randolph couple is facing charges of defrauding the state’s welfare system.

Harrison and Deborah Taylor, both 47, were indicted Friday by a grand jury in Kennebec County on charges of theft by deception involving more than $10,000 and unsworn falsification.

An indictment is not a determination of guilt, but it indicates that there is enough evidence to proceed with formal charges and a trial.

The indictment against Harrison Taylor says he received more than $10,000 through the food stamp program by indicating falsely he was living apart from his wife and by failing to indicate she was contributing financially to the household. The theft by deception charge spans November 2008 and December 2013 in Kennebec County.

He also faces two counts of unsworn falsification in seeking state benefits on Nov. 5, 2011, and Jan. 14, 2013, both in Augusta, by failing to indicate he was living with his wife and failing to indicate she was providing financial support.

The theft by deception charge against Deborah Taylor spans October 2008 and April 2014 and says she falsely indicated her husband was not living at the household and/or not providing financial support.


She also faces five counts of unsworn falsification between Feb. 29, 2012, and April 7, 2014, in Randolph and Augusta, all alleging she failed to indicate the presence and/or financial support provided by her husband.

A Winthrop woman, Tiea Hatch, 23, also faces charges of theft by deception involving more than $10,000 in welfare benefits and two counts of unsworn falsification.

The indictment says she falsely indicated to the state that her two minor daughters were living with her Dec. 1, 2010, through Feb. 28, 2013.

The other two charges say Hatch failed to indicate that her daughters were not living with her on an annual review dated May 11, 2012, and that on another form dated July 9, 2013, she failed to indicate she was employed and receiving income.

A number of other people were indicted in separate cases Friday by the same grand jury.

• Taurus Allen, also known as Taurus Tyrone Allen, 36, of Boston, three counts of aggravated trafficking in cocaine base Dec. 31, 2014, and Jan. 7, 2015, and Jan. 21, 2015, and criminal forfeiture of $370, all in Waterville.


• Rafael Jesus Brito, 28, of New York City, two counts of aggravated trafficking in oxycodone Feb. 3 in Augusta. One count says Brito has a previous trafficking conviction. The other says Brito had more than 300 pills and that substances totaled 3,000 milligrams or more of oxycodone or 1,000 milligrams or more of hydrocodone.

• Joshua Carey, 41, of Augusta, two counts aggravated trafficking in heroin Sept. 25, 2014, in Augusta.

• Steffan Collins, 18, of New York City, unlawful trafficking in heroin Oct. 17, 2014, in Augusta.

• Toni Geisinger, 26, of Augusta, unlawful trafficking in cocaine base July 2, 2014, in Augusta.

• Justin Oakley Smith, 27, of Augusta, aggravated trafficking in heroin (more than six grams), unlawful trafficking in heroin and criminal forfeiture of $1,240, all Jan. 2 in Augusta.

• Peter Solari, 31, of Cushing, aggravated trafficking in oxycodone while in possession of a firearm, unlawful trafficking in oxycodone, conspiracy to commit unlawful trafficking in oxycodone, criminal forfeiture of $3,900 cash and criminal forfeiture of two handguns, all Feb. 3 in Augusta.

Betty Adams — 621-5631

Twitter: @betadams