On May 6, Readfield voters got their first look at the four candidates for the Readfield Select Board. The candidates all spoke about wanting to bring the town back together and healing divisions within the community.

They spoke about bridging divides and using thoughtful listening as a means to that end. Candidates Bruce Bourgoine, James Marr and Christine Sammons all demonstrated exceptional listening skills and thoughtful answers to questions from the public.

The one glaring exception was Eugene Carbona. When presented with a question about the loss of direct voting at the annual town meeting, he responded by verbally belittling and publicly embarrassing the person who asked the question. His behavior was disrespectful, bullying and outright rude.

Is it ever appropriate for elected officials or candidates to stifle questions by verbally intimidating the one who asked? How does such behavior foster communication or help to repair rifts within the community?

I am deeply saddened to see Carbona’s arrogance attempting to replace civility in Readfield politics.

Harry Grimmnitz


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