The Downeast School of Massage will hold a free open house for the public at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 6. Participants will receive application packets, will be introduced to the many opportunities in the massage therapy profession dispelling myths, and to the competency-based curriculum that the Downeast School of Massage offers in the upcoming September 2015 program, according to a news release from the school.

The event will include a tour of the class rooms, library, hydrotherapy department with spa and sauna, DSM store, and refreshments will be served in the student lounge. Tuition financing is available and the many financing choices will be discussed how to afford the investment.

The school is on 100 acres at 99 Moose Meadow Lane off of 220 North, Washington Road, in Waldoboro. Interested individuals should call 832-5531 for a catalog, email for more information or to sign up for the open house. The catalog can be downloaded at